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1.- General Information.
HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL (ECO RESORT PUEBLOASTUR*****) It is a company inscribed in the Record of Companies and Tourist Activities of the Asturias with n º of number H-2071-AS.
Inscribed in the Mercantile Record of Asturias with n º 6125 in date of May, 2014.
The present legal notice gathers the general conditions that govern the access and the use of the web site http: //, in forward " the web site ". The use of the web site implies the express and full acceptance of these general conditions. The web site is of ownership of INVERSIONES PUENTE ALVAREZ S.L . Of conformity with the foreseen in the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Company of the Information and Electronic Trade, there is certified that HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL CIF B-52519063, has his headquarters in Street Vallespín, 3, 33013 Asturias and that is inscribed in the Mercantile Record with date May 30, 2014 in the volume 4086, I foliate 10, leaf AS-46755, incripción 1 ª
The email address in the one that can contact HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL is Also it can contact in the telephone 984 08 18 18 (24 hours 365 days of the year).
2.- Terms of use, stock control
Sleep and Go S.L Across this web site, it provides a platform across which the hotel establishments offer his housings and the users of the web site can realize reservations. On having carried out a reservation by means of this web site the user enters a contractual direct relation with the hotel establishment that has reserved. SLEEP AND GO, S.L., only it will act as intermediary between the hotel establishment and the user, trasmitiendo the information of the reservation to the hotel establishment and sending to the user an e-mail of confirmation in representation of the reserved establishment.
Of equal way, the client consents, across the acceptance of the reservation, for the treatment of the information of his card of credit with the purpose of formalizing his reservation, as well as the maintenance of the same ones as warehouse and safety for hurts and expenses extras. Of equal way, the client consents, across the acceptance of the reservation, for the treatment of the information of his card of credit with the purpose of formalizing his reservation, as well as the maintenance of the same ones as warehouse and safety for hurts and expenses extras. The user declares that it is major of age and that it has the legal sufficient aptitude to acquire the services offered across the web site.
The utilization of the web site on the part of the user implies the express acceptance and the full adhesion and without you reserve to each and every of these Terms of use:
The modification of the web site is not allowed not of his contents. The undue or not authorized utilization, as well as the hurts or prejudices that could be caused as consequence of the breach of the above mentioned obligation, will give place to the actions that legally correspond and, in his case, to the responsibilities that from the above mentioned exercise stem.
Both the access to the web site, and the use that could be done of the information contained in the same sound of the exclusive responsibility of the one who realizes it.
There is prohibited the sending of massive not requested mail or not requested mail (SPAM) directed accounts of e-mail used in this web.
This web site is prohibited to use by commercial ends or in an inadequate way attending to his own purpose.
The user will not be able to copy, to reproduce, to transmit or to distribute by no means the content of the web site or of the services that can be obtained across the same one. The user promises not to carry out a neglectful, fraudulent or illicit use of the web site, as well as to the image or rights of HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL or of third parties.
The user will abstain from preventing the functioning of the web site, from supplanting other users or persons, from verifying vulnerabilities and, in general, of any use that is opposite to the normal exploitation of the web site.
The user will not be able to accede to the web site so that it damages, spoil, render useless or overload the services and / or offered information.
The user accepts that HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL. could cancel his access, account or use of the web site, if HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL thinks that it has acted in opposition to arranged in these Terms of use. The present Terms of use will be submitted to the Spanish legislation, and the contracting with the user realizes in Spanish language or in others that they are available and have been selected by the user.
3.- Content of the user.
The web site allows that the user should include comments or valuations of hotel establishments and other contents. The above mentioned comments or valuations will be published in the web site as what any person who should visit the same one will have access to the same ones.
The user is the only one responsible for the content that it publishes in the web site, and compromises itself to that such a content does not damage rights of third parties, do not be opposite to the law, the morality and the public order, as well as that does not include advertising content of any type.
HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL. does not edit, selects, controls, guarantees or approves the content of the user. In case the user thinks that some content damages his rights, we ask him to put in touch with INVESTMENTS ON BRIDGE ALVAREZ S.L. Nevertheless the previous thing, HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL reserves the right to modify or eliminate, total or partially, at any time, and to his alone discretion, any content of the user. It is a responsibility of the user to support the confidentiality of his passwords, as well as to assure the veracity of the personal supplied information.
The present web site has for object put at the disposal of the users all kinds of services and information related to HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL as well as information relative to the housings offered by the hotel establishments. There is chased the aim to guard over the current importance and accuracy of the above mentioned information, nevertheless HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL does not assume any responsibility in relation with the information included in these pages.
In this respect, the showed information is provided by the hotel establishments, which have access to an extranet by means of which they become totally responsible of updating the rates, the availability and other information that appear in our web site. HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL, though it tries that the service is as precise as possible, it can neither check nor guarantee that all the information is exact, completes or correct. Neither it is played the role responsible for mistakes (manifest and typographical), interruptions (due to temporary and / or partial falls of the servant or repairs, updates and maintenance of the web site or other motives), vague, information deceitful or false, or lacking in information. The hotel establishment is responsible at all time for the precision, the accuracy and the correction of the information (both descriptive and relating to rates and availability) that appears in this web site.
Both the access to the web site, and the use that could be done of the information contained in the same sound of the exclusive responsibility of the one who realizes it HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL. will not answer of any consequence, hurt or prejudice that they could derive from the above mentioned access or use of information, with exception of all those actions that ensue from the legal applicable dispositions. Inside the web site there can be links to other webs on which HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL does not have control and of which, therefore, HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL does not become a person in charge.
HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL cannot guarantee fullly the functioning of the network of communications and, therefore, it does not assume any responsibility on the availability of his servant. The servant will be able to be disconnected without previous notice. All the efforts will be done in order that the impact for tasks of maintenance is the possible minimum. Likewise, it does not take responsibility of any hurt or prejudice suffered by the user who stems from the access to this servant or from the use of information or applications in him contained.
5.- Intellectual and industrial property.
The rights of intellectual property of this web site, his graphical design and the codes that it contains, are A SLEEP's ownership AND GO, S.L., unless a different ownership is indicated. The reproduction, distribution, commercialization or transformation not authorized of these works constitutes an infraction of the rights of intellectual property of SLEEP AND GO, S.L. or of that one that is his holder.
Equally, all the brands or distinctive signs of any class contained in the web site are protected by Law. The utilization not authorized of the information contained in this web site, as well as the prejudices caused in the rights of intellectual and industrial property of SLEEP AND GO, S.L. can give place to the exercise of the actions that legally correspond and, if it proceeds, to the responsibilities that from the above mentioned exercise stem.
The use of the web site, as well as the contracting service across the same one on the part of the user, does not involve in any case transfer to the same one of rights for SLEEP AND GO, S.L. as for intellectual or industrial property.
6.- Conditions of the provision of services.
The prices that show themselves in web sound final prices, depending on the criterion of search realized, with included taxes. All the prices will have to be paid in Euros.
The housing has the obligation to keep updated the availability of the rooms and his prices, nevertheless problems can arise of overbooking or of maintenance of rates, in these cases the housing will warn him in time of the situation to cancel the reservation and to do to him the return of the solvent amount so that it could find another housing.
HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL will confirm by means of the sending of an e-mail to the user the realized contracting and the conditions of the same one HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL will preserve, for every contracting, an electronic copy of the conditions applicable to the contracting. Nevertheless, the user will have to preserve his own copy of the conditions applicable to every contracting.
The politics of cancellation is edited by the client for which has facilitated to him a web access that her allows him to modify and to establish different policies of cancellation depending on the periods or the conditions of the reservation.
The Terms and conditions applied by HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL for the cancellations are: Please, follow the instructions that provide you in the e-mail of confirmation in case you need to cancel your stay. We recommend to you to read held up the politics of cancellation of the hotel. If front-door gratings agreements with the politics of cancellation of the hotel no additional amount will be loaded in his card. If you cancel later than the hotel establishes as a deadline or do not warn of the cancellation of the reservation, the hotel will be able to receive from you an amount that in most cases is the equivalent to the amount of the first night.
7.- Modifications
HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL it does not guarantee the nonexistence of mistakes in the access to the web site or in his content not that this one is totally updated, though it will develop the precise efforts to avoid them and, in his case, to correct them or to update them to the major possible briefness. HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL. does not become a person in charge of overbookings generated by technical incidents of the tool of reservations. HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL. reserves the right to realize changes in the web site without previous notice, in order to update, to correct, to modify, to add or to eliminate his contents or his design.
8.- Protection of information.
Of conformity into the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of Protection of Information of Personal Character (LOPD), CLIENTS will remain the information supplied by the user incorporated in an automated file, which will be used exclusively for the purpose of management of the reservation and communications by the client, commercial, marketing.This information will be the indispensable ones to be able to give the service needed by the user.
The information that are gathered will move informáticamente or will be filed by the assent of the user, who has right to decide the one who can have his information, why, to request that the same ones are exact and that are in use for the end that is gathered, with the exceptions contemplated in the in force legislation.
The information of personal character will be treated by the protection degree adapted, according to the Royal decree 1720/2007, of December 21, the necessary measurements of safety being taken to avoid his alteration, loss, treatment or not authorized access.
The user can exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition foreseen in the Law, directing for him HOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL of agreement with the foreseen in the politics of privacy (
The information of personal character object of the automated treatment only will be able to be yielded, as it consists in the article 11 of the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, for the fulfillment of ends directly related to the legitimate functions of the assignor and of the assignee with the previous assent of the affected one.
9.- Use of cookies and Law of Services of Company of the information and electronic
I In fulfillment of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of Services of the Company of the Information and Electronic Trade we inform him that this web site, as the majority of the sites in Internet, uses Cookies to improve and to optimize the experience of the user. It is possible that we update Cookies's politics of our web page, for this reason, we recommend to him to check this politics whenever he accedes to our web site with the aim to be informed adequately about how and in order that we use the Cookies.
In fulfillment of the article 10 of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of services of the Company of the Information and Electronic Trade (LSSICE) the information is exposed later identificativos of the company: social name IHOSTELERIA DE COFIÑO SL Cofiño, Asturias. telephone 984081818